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Posts posted by Panzergrenadier765

  1. 46 minutes ago, BigZach said:

    -1 I dont think being CG for your full time on the server has gathered you enough experience and perspective for this role. You are a nice enough corporate man, but o do think BadDog is better suit and has better experience than you. BadDog has also shown more aspirations in his application. Personally I believe a REG candidate should be shown to have left their comfort zone and have experience with more than one battalion.

    I understand your concerns with my lack of varied experience, but I feel with the experience I already have, I am ready to take on this position. I can assure you, I will try my hardest to do my best if I get this position. I appreciate the feedback.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Washington said:



    Let me tell you a little about this man Panzerkampfwagen IV... he is what I would go and call a Man of Vision. From the beginning he demonstrated high quality leadership, and had a devout dedication to make his battalion great. When I began to speak to him, he was lowly Captain Panzerkampfwagen IV, and he was essentially running CG as a captain, while it was going through some troubling times. He managed to stay strong under another Fox until he resigned shortly after the position, and was then thrown once more into the gauntlet of command. As XO, Panzerkampfwagen IV led his battalion into a state of repair and recovery after two Fox's shocked the shock troopers into what some may say, a state of disarray, Panzerkampfwagen IV  managed to stay a beacon of hope for those forlorn in the battalion. He led with great honor and distinction, then soon after finally took up the mantle of Commander Fox, a position he so greatly deserved. As Commander Fox, he launched a great amount of reform to the Coruscant Guard and managed to lead the battalion to become a success story that is has become today. Under his careful guidance and leadership, he managed to make a battalion many considered to be unfixable and historically a mess, and return it to a great state in which it maintained high numbers and managed to effectively perform it's duties.

    Panzer is the most capable person to take over this position. Panzer is the most ready to take over this position. Panzer isn't just the best option, he, from what I can see, is the only option in which we can truly see success through Specialized. He has the vision to lead this regiment, why you ask? Because, he is a Man of Vision.

    Thank you, Washington. You've been my mentor and you've helped me get to where I am today. Thank you! Also, I've upgraded, I'm now a Panzerksmpfwagen V "Panther"

    • Winner 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Xray said:

    I watched you become the XO of CG, then BCMD, and now you're applying for Reg. It's bittersweet to see you go but I support you regardless. You've done a great job as Fox and I've had the great privilege to work alongside you this whole time.

    You're often encouraging training, sims, and activities with the Battalion. You even went out of your way to do silly things with us when we needed a breather and stuck up for us throughout many rough situations with other batts or staff. You know your stuff, (except how do put on your damn body groupers) and I have no doubt you'll run the Specialized Regiment just as well as you did CG. 

    I also appreciated that even as a junior officer, and then a senior officer, you always listened to any feedback I had. For a while, it was just you and I running things and it really brought us closer as brothers and you inspired me to be a leader as well. I am looking forward to you doing this for multiple battalions now.


    It's been an honor, sir. I got to fight alongside you the last time you were Thorn, I hope to fix my game so I can have the same experience with you as Fox. One last time.

    Good luck Panzer.

    I will look forward to fighting with you one last time as Fox as well. I really appreicate the kind words, Xray. It means a lot. 

    • Friendly 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Maymays said:

    If I am going to be honest, your activity could use a bit of improvements, other than that, +1.

    I' know I'm not on during the afternoon, but I work until about 6 PM EST most days. I'm usually on the server several hours a day though. I appreciate the feedback and I'll try to improve upon that.

  5. Steam Name: Panzergrenadier765


    RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:113318931


    Regiment you are applying for: Specialized Regiment


    Experience: All of my experience has been within this community within the Coruscant Guard. I became a CG PVT and rose all the way to Battalion Commander Fox. Along the way, I received the lore characters Jek, Commander Stone and Commander Thorn. Throughout my time in CG, I became a Heavy Officer which required me to oversee the largest class in CG during combat, training and help them recruit. I became Intel Deputy Director at 2nd Lieutenant and later Intel Director at Captain. From the rank of Captain, I was promoted to Commander and then XO where I obtained a majority of my experience effectively running a Battalion.

    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I believe that I have the experience necessary not only as a Commander, but within the Regiment to be able to effectively do my job as the Regimental Commander. I also have dedication to this Regiment as this is been the only Regiment I've been involved with and it is by far my favorite. I have worked with all of the Battalions in the Specialized Regiment to understand what they do and how their internal functions are. I have spent the entirety of my service here within Specialized, I’ve gotten to know the people in Specialized, and I have great respect for them all, as do them with me. I have a deep understanding of the wants and needs of these battalions, and I know what it will take to get them to their goals and to help see them thrive. I will always be available to my units and provide a great sense of leadership and camaraderie to those below me, and prove myself as a support to the battalions and their members.


    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: I feel I understand an ample amount.


    Availability: I'm usually on several hours a day typically later in the evening as I work earlier in the day.


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: CG PVT - BCMD Fox, CG Intel Director, CG Heavy Officer, the lore characters Jek, Commander Stone and Commander Thorn.


    Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do.


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: I want each and every battalion in the Specialized Regiment to be the best that it can be. At the end of my term, I want to see every battalion working together as one cohesive regiment, and working with one another as one big family. I want to see frequent trainings being undertaken by the BCMDs under me,  and to see battalions working even harder than they already are towards the common goal of success.


    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: I would like to see more joint-operations with other battalions within the regiment, and more co-op trainings where they have to work closely together with one another to achieve a common goal. I would also like to do team building exercises within the Regiment to help build relations on a personal level. I would also like to promote more activities within the regiment, and to have more bond-building sims and training exercises to help strengthen the ties between all of us in the Regiment


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I do.

    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: I do.

    • Agree 4
  6. +1111111111111111111111 

    *Cough* I split the Squads *Cough* *Cough* This felt like a Special Forces mission to me. It was really immersive and I loved every minute. The story, the recon, everything. It was overall amazing. Every event Max does is spectacular and I couldn't ask for a better Game Master. Although it was "TOO ORGANIZED", LMAO!


    • Agree 2
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