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Everything posted by Asando

  1. Big ass +1 to this Xaze has been nothing but a strong leader. He is an influential well spoken commander and deserves this role more then anyone I can imagine. While he may not be in a "recon regiment" He always seems to know what to do in every situation and keep the peace which is exactly why he could fix CG so quickly and easily. Those who put a -1 don't have enough experience with Xaze. The only people that can 100% judge if Xaze is capable of this role are his brother's in the CG, while this may sound biased they are the only ones who fully know them and know how much he can do and how great of a person he is Xaze is not only an excellent leader but such a fun person to be around and I guarantee you half of the battalions on synergy cannot say that about their BCMDs. Thank you - Asando
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