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Everything posted by Scrape

  1. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Sure man whatever you say
  2. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    The only restrictions are you have to be ATC trained, and Pilot trained by a Pilot lead. and My pilots do something almost every event. My Pilots see more action than any other pilot on this server, Cause they're trained, active, and organized.
  3. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Thank you Nade. Exactly my point. So I'll wait a few days then make another suggestion with what Zyner said. Give hawk 6 job slots, change the job name to Blue Squadron Pilot, and Helmet bodygroupers for each pilot.
  4. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    My answer is so Did some of rancors men, so did echo, so did troopers from every unit. Every battalion has a trooper or troopers that died in phase 1
  5. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    That was one of my suggestions that you guys denied Zyner. I'd be more than happy to do that. But you guys are the ones with the power to make it happen.
  6. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    That's the thing. All of our jobs are highly used. But I've dedicated time that I don't get back willingly to get this Pilot program up and going. I'm Hawk I have a Blue Squadron with 10 Pilots and each one has a blue number. All we are missing is a model. That is the only thing we are missing in the 501st is actual Pilots. We had them before but for some reason they were removed. I've got these Pilots trained and organized. I don't see any harm in giving them their rightful uniform.
  7. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    I'm not asking for named Pilots. I'm asking for a 10 slot 501st pilot job nicknamed Blue Squadron. That's it.
  8. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Blue Squadron is the 501st Pilots in general. We only got to see those 5 in that episode. And yes Hawk was the gunship Pilot thatdropped off anakin and ahsoka. I 'm not asking for them I'm asking for the regular Pilot job for my 10 Pilots that wanna actually be a pilot not a trooper with PIlot training. Blue Squadron was wherever anakin was. If Anakin was in space Blue Squadron was there with him.
  9. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Isn't the point of this server to be immersive? How is it immersive to be a Pilot while wearing regular gear?
  10. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Well obviously this is StarWars and 104th wasn't the only battalion to have Pilots. Also I rarely see them on. My Pilots are some of the most active. There are 10 of us. They all are asking for these models. Pilots are being used more and more. I've been flying almost non stop the past few days. Every time there is an event and there is a Pilot needed it's either me, one of my guys, or someone that don't even have PLT in their name. This is supposed to be a Clone Wars server. 501st and 104th were the ones that used their pilots the most in the series. So why not let that tradition continue. I have 10 pilots and plenty of others asking to be trained. I don't see what the big deal is. If this server thinks Pilots are "useless", why do we get called for defending the venator, bombing frigates and infantry, transporting troops in LAATs? If they are "useless" then why have Pilot jobs at all. If you guys really feel like we are useless then delete all Pilot jobs from every Battalion. Don't play favorites. My squadron asks me almost every day, "Any updates on Pilot models?" and I have to look at them and say no they think we are useless. If I was them I would leave but I'm dedicated to keeping the Blue Squadron alive. This is STAR WARS. Without Pilots there is no war in the Stars. Just ground combat. 104th gets AT-TEs when no one else does. So why are you guys complaining that another unit might get a Job that's actually one of the most seen Pilot Squadrons right next to 104th. But whatever, you guys say what you want about Pilots and I 'll know that they are a crucial part of this server.
  11. Scrape

    Blue Squadron

    Name: TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk Suggestion: Add 501st Pilot Job/Blue Squadron Implementation: Add Blue Squadron as a Pilot Job Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Axe_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Slammer http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kickback http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Swoop_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tucker Blue Squadron has taken part in battles from The Battle of Teth where the 501st was sent in to find Jabba's son. They flew the LAAT's that dropped them off, all the way to The Battle Over Coruscant where the CIS kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, they escorted and carved a path for Generals Skywalker and Kenobi alongside Kenobi's 212th Pilots such as Oddball. Blue Squadron is trained in every form of Aireal combat, Dogfighting (V-19s, ARC-170s, and V-Wings), Air support (LAATs, and Y-Wings), to escorting VIPs (Republic Lander shuttles). Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=905377307 Add or Change: Add 501st Pilots / Blue Squadron Jobs: 501st Pilots / Nickname Blue Squadron Model: 501st Pilot Model Weapons: DC-15a, DC-15s, Duel DC-17s, and Repair Tool
  12. Name: TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk Suggestion: Get Pilots more involved with events. Passive or shoot em up. Other: Allow Pilots to Provide air support, transport, and whatever else ground troops might need. Y-Wing bombing runs, LAAT transport or airstrikes, V-19 strafing runs, etc.
  13. This is Hawk. All I'm saying is make Hawks Job a TC Pilot with 6 slots. Thats all I ask. I can take it from there doing their tryouts and training.
  14. You may personally think they are useless, but actions speaks louder than words, and my pilots along with pilots from other battalions are kicking ass almost every event. Pilots are a pivotal for a military especially one that's mainly in SPACE.
  15. They transport troops on LAATs, they bomb infantry and enemy frigates with Y-Wings, they protect our venator and troops on the ground with V-19s and ARC-170s. How are they useless? Just last night when the CIS attacked our ship with fighters. Me and my squadron flew out and destroyed dozens of fighters. When we cleared the skies MHB was being overrun, so we flew in and decimated the enemy infantry. If my Pilots weren't there we would've lost alot of troopers.
  16. They transport troops on LAATs, they bomb infantry and enemy frigates with Y-Wings, they protect our venator and troops on the ground with V-19s and ARC-170s. How are they useless?
  17. Name: TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk Suggestion: Change Hawk to a TC Pilot with 6 available spots Implementation: Models would be added in a pack Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Axe_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Slammer http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kickback http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Swoop_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tucker Workshop content if applicable: Requires Developement Add or Change: Change Hawk to TC Pilot and add 5 spots Jobs: 501st TC Pilot Model: N/A Weapons: DC-15a, DC-15s, Repair Tool, Other: Model designs can be provided from Lore, the 501st only has one pilot model with 10 overall Pilots, We don't have to add their models what we could do make Hawks model a TC pilot and I could try them out for each character.
  18. Scrape


    Egg you asked if we only let 5 or 6 people fly. Well it's the same as any other named charcters, Hardcase, Waxer, Comet, etc. You don't see more than one of each character. There are only 6 named 501st pilots so there would only be 6 guys with the model. Others can get Pilot trained they just wuldnt have the model or a name.
  19. Scrape

    Add WAC LAAT

    If they do bring in the WAC LAAT here is a screenshot of a optimal control setup.http://steamcommunity.com/id/501stHawk/screenshot/929308506293674461 That setup will allow a Pilot to control 90% of the LAAT with one hand, the other 10% is using the mouse.
  20. We don't need to make each one. We could make Hawk's model a TC Pilot Job and make 6 spots available for all 6 pilots
  21. Name: TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk Suggestion: Change Hawk to a TC Pilot with 6 available spots Implementation: Models would be added in a pack Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Axe_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Slammer http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kickback http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Swoop_(clone_trooper) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tucker Workshop content if applicable: Requires Developement Add or Change: Change Hawk to TC Pilot and add 5 spots Jobs: 501st TC Pilot Model: N/A Weapons: DC-15a, DC-15s, Repair Tool, Other: Model designs can be provided from Lore, the 501st only has one pilot model with 10 overall Pilots, We don't have to add their models what we could do make Hawks model a TC pilot and I could try them out for each character.
  22. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1295392291 Just finished this one. Its an underwater combat scenario big enough for one battalion. gm_seastation_new_v06
  23. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1294535893 Link to First map on gm_Lair. It is a Star Wars D-day scenario. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1294603332 Link to second map on rp_vanqor_v1. It is a replica of the Battle of Umbara. If you guys cant get to them from here, http://steamcommunity.com/id/thediabeticgamer Here is my Steam account. I tried to make them an Advanced Dupe file but it didnt save.
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