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GM Codes

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Everything posted by GM Codes

  1. Renown will payout if you change classes. It updates your cash values when you do. If that were the case I'd have gotten the payout for "wiping the records" by now. An example of how it should react:
  2. No it literally doesn’t update. I’ll go in right now and do it for ya again and it will be the same amount of renown. Image to show current renown, still has not updated from last night. recording the mango delivery quest again. Proof vid number 2: with paying rather than class switch to initiate renown update. P.S. Thanks Sev This has happened to me now 4 times with "mango delivery" and once with the "wiping the records" quests. Total renown not payed out: 45k @Rohan
  3. Link to the video I took. Forgot to show renown before, but it almost never automatically updates that quickly anyways. I'm out of mango quests to show off but if it's a big deal I'll re-record it. I've not much of a reason to fake this so I hope you'll take my word truthfully. As for the "wiping the data" thing... well if you want me to test that you'll have to keep the clones at bay...
  4. As said above, recently I've been playing a civi character and having fun with the shenanigans they can get up to, but I've noticed that a lot of the times some quests don't pay out, or just straight up don't pay out. The "Mango" quest just straight up doesn't pay you. I've done it 3 times and I've never gotten any renown from it. I also managed to pull off a "wiping the data" quest and again, no renown. That one stung a bit more cause that's 25k. What's going on with these, and is this a known issue? [ Quest Bug Template ] Name of Quest: "mango" quest and "wiping the data" quest Evidence (if you can): for mango quest Description of the bug: payouts not working for multiple renown quests How can we recreate it: do the mango quest I guess. I've tried 3 times and it has yet to pay me for them.
  5. 3/3/5 I will say the beginning half was great, had a lot of fun pushing up in the ATTE, clearing out the pit, pushing up. Great stuff. The part that dragged on far too long was the RP with the "Dummy" scientist who just flat out told us he wouldn't kill us so we could disarm bombs that were anagram coded puzzles which we could only know because "Dummy" wanted us to defuse the bombs for... some reason? Despite them being on a dead man's switch. I get you want people to RP, but if you're going to put a timer on bombs, at least have the guts to let the bombs blow up. And the anagrams, to my knowledge the only reason we figured out the codes to disarm the bombs were in fact an anagram, was because the "Dummy" whose only leverage to not being blasted was said bombs, told us they were. There's a lot better ways to do this, maybe just skip the anagrams next time so a server full of people aren't waiting for 20 minutes for someone to do a puzzle.
  6. @Ansley @Alying Thank you both for your constructive criticisms. I've edited "The Cube" to have event jobs and RP potential to be more in line with what people should expect.
  7. Name: GM CPL Piston SteamID: 76561198125816893 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 90+ (server down at time of app, can update later if necessary) From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I believe my knowledge sits comfortably at a 7/10 (5 being average) but I know a good bit of niche stuff as well, so potentially an 8/10. Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I work second shifts for my job, often getting home at 10pm CST and not being able to sit down for another hour. By this point on most weekdays the server is down to about 20-30 people and not much goes on beyond idle chatter. I'd love to be able to spice up this timeframe for those who stay up later by hosting events. I've got some fun ideas for things that could be done, be it sims in the sim room or other more out there ideas like jawa boxing and...we'll table that for now. Point being, there's a lack of activity around this time and I'd love to be the person that steps up and helps bring some life into the server for those like me that don't have much of a choice due to outside commitments. I choose Synergy over other servers simply because the community is so much more relaxed and accepting than other servers, not to mention I've previously been staff here too. Granted it was nearly 7 years ago, but I think the point remains. I like Synergy, and I wanna help my late night chaps out. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yup. Simple as. Link us to 2 event documents Event Server event doc: The Bastion Main Server event doc: The Cube
  8. 5/4/5 Only critique is that the riddles were all copy pasted from google. beyond that it was a great concept and would happily see it down the line again. Fun late night event.
  9. 2/2/4 Event was good enough to keep the server busy at night, however there were a number of instances where "Mychael Myers" ran around and kept combat cloaking and would seem annoyed and yell at us to not use flamethrowers. I don't know where in the rules it says they can just ban weapons for events, but that's just kinda not it. Not to mention it wasn't advertised anywhere beyond MM just yelling at us to not use said weapons. Wasn't just me, Tech, a Rancor trooper, and Tarkin were all using them too and because it wasn't advertised well, if at all, MM kept getting lit on fire. Was something of a dumpster fire there. I personally don't mind the immortality thing, but how the heck were we supposed to know there were "hell gates" somewhere. The hallways were turned into literal blenders cause of it. I've never seem the walls more red. I think this could have been handled better and I hope it is next time around.
  10. I asked for an ATAP, got an ATOT and had the greatest last stand in a destroyed vehicle whose turret was somehow still working. Great time mate~ 4/3/5
  11. Was a genuinely fun event, first one after a 5 year hiatus. Glad to see the CWRP scene is still alive and well with great hosts~
  12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rancor SPC Tamoa Bug: I have a reply in my ticket page. I click the view button and only see a blank background with no information about the ticket Location of Bug: Clicking the view button in the ticket system after getting a reply. Date/Time Bug Started Occurring: yesterday What is this affecting: I cannot view the reply to my ticket I made in regards to packages I previously purchased on the site. Severity (1-3): Severity 2 https://gyazo.com/d64fa565e96e3754f53f1b795dce3676 https://gyazo.com/c51cdfca4565713e2037e71dd58ce89f
  13. 10/10. Would be a loan shark and steal 600,000 credits from the playerbase again.
  14. Name: TR GM 4thJ 1SG Codes Length of LOA: 4 weeks ish of minor activity. Reason: Hi everyone! Friendly neighborhood Launch Codes, better known as Codes of the Galactic Marines bringing both sad, and great news (if you care about me that is). I've gotten an opportunity to join a sales team and I'm both nervous and excited. This is a possible career I can get into which is why you haven't seen me much of the past week. I have to dedicate a lot of time to this, possibly 12 hours a day to kick things off. I'm not going to have much energy coming home at 7-9 pm and that means not much energy to do role play, train, and moderate. This LOA also goes out to Bacara who I'm sure will likely see this (Hi boss!) and I won't be very active there either. This doesn't mean I won't be getting on, but does mean that I won't be on as often as I was. Sorry for any inconvenience. I <3 All of you! (Except Spearhead. DIE IN A FIRE <3) Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: does not apply. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: does not apply.
  15. RP Name: TR GM 4thACJT SFC Codes Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82775582 Age: 19 Gender: M Timezone: Central Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I've played hundreds upon hundreds of hours on GMOD. Coming up on 1900 to be precise. I've gone though Dozens upon dozens of communities and only a few of them have truly compelled me to stay and make a bond with the players. Only three other servers in fact, but both are long gone and are either dead or dying. To these select communities and peoples I've done my best to be helpful and considerate. Sometimes through RP, other times through moderation. I wish to take the next step up in the Synergy SWRP community and become a staff member both make me better, as well as a community I've come to love. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hiya, I'm GM SFC Codes. I've been active on Synergy for about a month now and I've rediscovered my love with both GMOD and SWRP thanks to Synergy. I've been playing SWRP for more than three years now and before November, I hadn't played in about 6 months. I was heavily burnt out of GMOD due the admin purges of Icefuse where I was sick of the Drama and wanted out. On a whim I decided to try out Synergy to see how it was doing since the community split and I'm thrilled that I did. I've made so many friends thanks to GM and if I were to name one person that was most responsible for me being active, it's 100% Smokes hands down. Seeing so much dedication to a role is so inspiring and I want to follow in his footsteps and one of the best ways I can think to do that is by helping out on Synergy. A bit more about me is that I LOVE gaming. It's been my passion for well over a decade now and will likely stick with me for the rest of my life. I love upgrading my PC and I love customizing it any way I can! I also like to write for fun. If you're wondering what it is I write about, its Pokemon Fanfiction! Shut up no it doesn't have lemon scenes...yes they will have lemon scenes but that's besides the point... Anime is awesome and the best show of the Fall Season was clearly Life of an MMO Addict. Also Aqua is MY wifu...MY WIFU Do you have any previous staff experience?: I do in fact have prior staff experience. If any of you are have been playing SWRP for over two years, you'd probably know about the server called United Gamers. UG was once one of the top SWRP servers and consistently had 100+ people online. I was a lead moderator on UG and if need be, I can provide video proof of it in the form of a cringy funny moments event series I made during my time as staff. Here is the playlist for them https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcIR6kqlBhvotkBlPgnzKPTGa5oGXDwT UG's community unfortunately had a fallout two years ago when it was found out that the owner at the time was taking funds donated to the server, for the server, and used them to buy things for himself. P.S: I'M A MURRRIIIINNNNEEEEE
  16. +1 Codes The MAAARIIIIINE will come back and take the title he RIGHTFULLY DESERVES
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