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Everything posted by Prann

  1. Name: Prann Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:97348098 Date: 5/13/18 Reason for leaving: I think its just too soon for me to become staff here, I'd love to stay and help out as much as i can without staff. Farewells:
  2. Prann

    Black's Cargo

    +1 droids were too op tho
  3. +1 You dont really need to have any context other than that he knows what he is doing & is very mature.
  4. No, Thats stated at the end of the application.
  5. RP Name: CG PVT Prann Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:97348098 Age: 16 Gender: Male Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): After resigning from my last Clone Wars Administrator position on Icefuse I started to get bored and needed something to do. So I decided to come help out here. I started to notice that a lot of the players are just breaking rules and being fairly bias towards others and just being completely unfair. I feel as if at this time you guys need some help. Ever since I started playing on Synergy I fell in love with the community and how it’s run so I felt like it would be a better opportunity for me so that is why I came here. Although Im a bit new to Synergy (I started playing a couple months ago on and off) I feel like this is a community for me and a good restart from Icefuse. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have already stated how I love to help people and that I am able to be on the server during most hours of the day (during the summer | my current schedule is Monday - Wednesday - Friday pretty much from 3PM to 12PM, and Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm to 5pm EST). I also am able to make decisions that may be difficult to make compared to other people. I personally consider myself to be able to handle people fairly well (I deal with people all the time with my job) and I love to be helpful and make sure people are having the best time on the server possible. During my time on the server I’ve been able to learn all of the rules and understand how some of the people are on this community so I feel as if I could be a great asset to the team. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes! ThatDarkRpServer: Server Administrator Icefuse: Administrator Vice DarkRP: Head Moderator Inferno-Gaming Community: Mod Disclaimer: I understand that im not TR trained, I will try and gain that as quickly as possible.
  6. +1 ive known this big boy for ages, good luck :*
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