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Posts posted by Crispy

  1. 4 hours ago, Cmo said:

                           So the crossguard hilt/ Kylo Ren hilt has vents.  The vents are there because he (Kylo Ren) damaged his crystal while he created his light saber.  Though Early days of the Jedi order had similar hilts, Saber crafting in the thousands of years till the Clone Wars, was greatly improved.  Where venting the crystal was not needed.  The hilt was not common during the Clone Wars.   Also, all but one Sith hilts are banned on the server.  Dooku, is allowed for its improvement for the player, with the current combat system.  It allows for a better field of view, and a better chance for crits.  It also rewards people who have made it into a branch, an edge in sparring.  It (Kylo Ren hilt) does not give any advantage over any other hilt.  The council feels that allowing anyone or certain groups to have one, would get out of hand or be seen as mingy.

    -Grand Master of the Order Yoda

    Thank You!!! finally a full, straight answer. Appreciate it and I appreciate it being brought up to the Council. Now I do agree that this is an ancient design and yes it most certainly was not common during the Clone Wars era of the Republic, I still don't see any evidence disputing the fact of The Jedi Order not using this type of saber. It is Canon that the vents were not merely for design but also for combat. They used the crossgaurd blades as defense and also for attack. Furthermore I again agree with you on the statement of letting this be an outright open hilt as soon as you're able to wield a lightsaber. It would definitely lead to a lot headaches that i'm sure none you need. I suggest leaving it as a perk for up and coming Jedi Knights. Maybe at rank 3+ you're able to have the option of getting one. Something along those lines. But this is all a healthy debate for me. I just want to see where the Council stood on the matter in detail. Thank you again!

  2. 1 hour ago, Tomas said:

    While yes the hilt WAS common in the past it was not seen for 1000+ years prior to Kylo Ren, therefore the council decided it was not a valid hilt for use.

    yes you are correct that it is an ancient design but there is nothing in Star Wars canon that any jedi was or was not currently using this type of design during the Clone Wars. I feel that since sage is gone and we have a whole canon saber design we are not using, i feel like we could create some new Jedi class or something. Food for thought

  3. 10 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Doesn’t he use it so his lightsaber doesn’t like, explode cuz his crystal is cracked so he need more ports so it releases the correct amount of energy? Not exactly Sith thing, just popularly used by one if I’m right

    The crossguard lightsaber can also house a stable crystal as well. Jedi have been using it for thousands of years and even used them during the Jedi Civil War when the Sith Order was at it's hieght. the Kylo version just uses that style of hilt for his cracked kyber crystal because of the external ports.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

    simple answer : if a sith used it, it's a sith hilt.

    Okay but if we are going by that logic, then would that not void out any lightsaber style/design? Especially saberstaff and a saber with a Dooku Hilt? And to be completely extra, Kylo isn't a Sith.

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