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Posts posted by Thanatos

  1. Put simply, in RP it's fine to treat Acolytes like garbage. What's not fine is treating Acolytes like shit in OOC as well. Legit whenever I'm on my Acolyte I'm treated like a CT with 10 arrests in character and out of character. Like for real? Eff off dude. Acolytes already have bare minimum in terms of rights (Look at the jedi equivalent of padawan) and I used to think that's why there's a max of 1 or 2 on at any given active hour. The more I'm on my Sith though, the more I feel like it's because we're legit treated like trash no matter the circumstances. Quit that shit out. I get it: Sith, slaves, bad people.

    Doesn't mean you gotta be a dick

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