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Everything posted by Essman_and_Co

  1. 5/5/5 fun event, like i actually really fucking dug this. goated, easy deployment, would love to see more like this. Also great work with the geonosis dupe, it really changed the flow of gameplay here
  2. somebody did. i think ct pvt defect!!!
  3. ooooh my god this almost made me panic
  4. 4/4/5 Good event. The event was forced to be extended and the GM handled that really well. I had a great time flying LAAts in the first half and, even though I was forced to shovel snow, the 2nd half was pretty fun too
  5. +1 If i could I would +1 this application a million times over. Not to yap too much, but Bropdrop is legitimately an amazing BCMD and my favorite that I've had. He is so easy to go to when there are problems or questions, he's constantly available, he's welcoming and accepting, he's literally everything a BCMD should be and more. If I ever rise to a BCMD position or something similar then I would aspire to be like Brop. Sorry for glazing so much, I just don't think I could leave my compliments unsaid lol.
  6. 5/5/5 I had a lot of fun
  7. 5/5/5 I had a lot of fun, there was hella AA guns and it was a crazy shoot-em-up
  8. 3/3/5 I had a lot of fun but there was def a lot of dull moments. Clorox described it as non-linear event, and that's definitely the vibe I got. I really enjoyed the dealership, I think the little side things like that are cool. If you were to do more of these, which I hope you do because it's an awesome idea, I think you should include more side things like that. If it's a non-linear event it should play like a non-linear open world game, especially if it's on a map like that, so even if it takes more EJs and help I think it'd be cool to have more non hostile EJs doing cool rp or maybe some decorated spaces with environmental storytelling(?) or something of that sort. Overall I love the idea of deployments like this, I hope you continue to work on these and improve them because it could turn out to be really really cool.
  9. 5/5/5 Improcco got to do somethin fun, GM was handling multiple parts of the event, overall it was pretty cool
  10. 5/5/5 W event, I loved the taco stand shenanigans. The event also had some really fun arial combat which I loved
  11. 5/5/5 Super easy headcrab/bug event, but the stuff with the poison gas and the pod things in the db room were really cool. Overall this was a dope late night encounter, thanks for hosting it dawg
  12. +1 Dude you're my actual goat. On god the entire 41st are, like, your biggest fans. I hope that you have big things in your feature, and I think you'd be an amazing BCMD
  13. Name: Abel SteamID: 76561199588345496 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 325+ hours From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8/10 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: Simply put, I like playing on Syngery, I have fun, and I want to help other people have that fun. Whether it's just an encounter or a full scale deployment, I want to help give people something enjoyable to do. Not only that, but writing for events can serve as a really fun creative outlet, and it's pretty good practice for actually writing stuff. Another thing I'm interested in is helping with smaller things that allow people to progress on the server, like tryouts or patrols or sims, things of that matter. Lastly, I want to see certain things during events, and I've always been a big believer in being the change that you want to see. If I want to see the stuff I have in mind then I have to be the one that holds those events. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Absolutely. I experience this with the lore positions I hold on the server and I fully accept the responsibility of activity. Main Server Deployment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XyCZz84p_SnqZLLGOHDP0aZZEzD3FecnqjWQedu7Te4/edit?usp=sharing Event Server Deployment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/125MUnDhBKADk-TfQ6Ue_yX24AgdyAZ-JGjve7R09C4Y/edit?usp=sharing
  14. 5/4/5 Pretty cool, I had a lot of fun. Enemies were on a good health for how many people were there and everything was pretty simple. Nice event, W
  15. 5/5/5 gave me an a-wing, also the Savage Oppress EJ was funny af. loved it
  16. 5/5/5 I got given a LAAT/C which made me very happy cause that never happens, very fun
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