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  1. Shina

    Ban appeal

    Yea well people have done must worst like constantly say the n word on the intercom, etc.. And they only get arrested or a 1 day ban not 5 days that's what I'm not getting it just doesn't seem fair. :)
  2. Shina

    [Denied] Ban appeal

  3. Name: Mcloving Steam ID: 76561199203494362 Ban Reason: Rdm ig Date of Ban: 5/24/2024 Length of Ban: 1 Day Staff Member(s) Involved: WarMaster I think Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: You should accept my appeal as i have been banned for a day, I'm genuinely sorry for any disruptions my previous behaviors may have caused for me to get in trouble, but I believe I should get one last chance to prove my self and how i can make the community a better place, Please and Thank You. Evidence to support your claims: I have no evidence :(
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