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Dev. Assistant
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Posts posted by inkydinkystinky

  1. RP Name: inkydinkystinky
    Steam Name: DaBaby
    Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:132634138
    Playtime on Garry's Mod: ~1500 hours
    Playtime on SynergyRP: 1.5 months
    Age: 23
    Timezone: EST

    Position: GLua

    Please list all your previous experience as a developer (Include as much as required): 

    - B.S. Computer Science

    - Previous GLua experience

    - Used to run / was main developer on DarkRP server

    - 2+ years of professional software development: large-scale enterprise software

    - Most experienced in TypeScript / Python, but am able to easily pick up new languages and frameworks

    Please send your Github or Portofilio page (If you have one):



    Do you have any previous being a developer on Garry's Mod?: Yes but I don't have portfolio of previous work

    How much time could you dedicate a week to development?: Currently taking time off of work for health reasons, likely 8+ hours

    • Dumb 1
  2. Question: What effect do the different companions have?

    Comments/Concerns: n/a

    Staff Member you're asking: any that can answer

    Additional info: The companion shop has returned. I have heard that different ones have different buffs and wanted to know what each one did or where to find this info.

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