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Everything posted by Baba

  1. RP Name: 2ndAC Parjai-2 MEDO LT Baba Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:522495637 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 15 Timezone: EST NA Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): While there's quite a few reasons as to why I wish to become staff I'll narrow it down to a few. One of those being I just enjoy playing on the server, being on this server has led to so many new opportunities for me whether that be me making lots of great friends or just having a good time with other star wars fans. All the memories I've gathered playing on this server made me realize I want to be more involved with the community as a whole and to me I feel like this is the right path to go down for me to be able to accomplish that goal. One of my other big reasons I wanna apply is I wish to just help people out, I know the pain of recruiting someone into the battalion and than making a ticket just for no one to take it, I wanna be able to help those people out and just the server as a whole. I can also imagine this would very much help me improve my leadership and problem solving skills as those are not just important in game but also IRL. I know that I am gonna be here for the downs and ups of the server and am gonna be supporting it all the way through. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well I was introduced to star wars at a young age by my mother and recently have been getting a bit more interested in the older lore not made by Disney, I play football at my local HS and am a fan of the Washington Commanders I know there terrible. I also love to listen to music as it can calm me, motivate me or just make me feel happy, I listen to a few genres such as rap, old school hip hop, some Spanish music, reggae, reggaeton, and a little bit of everything else. I'm always down to learn new things and improve my current self, I'm also always open for some constructive criticism. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No prior Gmod Staff experience How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: As of this app I have 338 hours in playtime.
  2. i love shock 10/10
  3. Baba

    CIS Attack

    Alright, listen up, let me break down for you why this Star Wars event was an absolute astonishing piece of masterful work. This event was perfectly and I mean perfectly crafted together the way that the NPC spawned in just made me feel amazed by detailed this event was. This event was clearly thought threw and had multiple endings, being such a event I could only hold in the excitement of shooting my beloved Z-6 mini-gun killing any enemies spotted within range. I could only fathom the amount of hard work and dedication that was put in place to make this event so perfectly get executed, everything seemed to have a place and time, not being too random nor being too artificial. I truly believe this event so marvelously crafted by Lerona is bound to go down in history as the greatest and most extraordinary events ever to go down in GMOD history.
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