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About cheesecake3704

cheesecake3704's Achievements



  1. 5/5/5 sooo much money
  2. 2/1/4 Made an account to post this rating I shot the strategy robot 8 or 9 times point-blank with a shotgun totaling around 2,592 damage, he proceeded to one-tap me with some bullshit laser canon, whoever is playing this character needs to step it up and make it more believable because holy fuck that was horrible to experience edit: it was in the elevator, i was there with the robot and a naval, the robot stood still for a solid 2 seconds and i continued to blast his head over and over again, but nope it was an event character so my bullets meant nothing RCMD Rohan kept spamming the elevator button and lied about not doing it, really not what I expected from leadership on this server, lost some of respect for spec reg Game masters deciding to blow up spawn for 60 seconds is not very fun either I am going to take a break from these events. Sorry for the poor rating.
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