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Everything posted by Taur

  1. Taur


    I will try to talk with all the TG on what they want in the tree and I will make a doc. I will then later bring it to a high council member to see what the council thinks about it. I know there are people who would like to be TG but don't become it because it is by far the worst skiltree.
  2. This resignation is being [DENIED] due to [you being an amazing BCMD] You may re-resign from another Commander Position in 30 days (09/17/18) Please take this 30 day cooldown to improve yourself as an resignant!
  3. +1 they dont even get a DC-15S
  4. +1 Was really cool how you attacked the temple
  5. To host decent events, you need to be able to spawn props and NPC's. The power to do that holds responsibilities. You have the power the crash the server ETC. They will only give that power to people they trust and work for it
  6. I will later today actually
  7. Weird suggestion but remove the 100 players needed for an event server event rule please. We barely get any event server events
  8. failed multiple times*
  9. +1 Pls even though it got denied before
  10. Taur

    TRO Suggestion

    -1 Become staff or just make staff a requirement for TRO's
  11. -1 to all 3 For the rocket ammo etc, we don't want you to shoot 10 during an event. The reason you can't buy it is because you should only use it 3 times, we don't want ARF troopers spamming the rockets during events. For the last two suggestions: How many times does it have to be said "CT is NOT a battalion" We don't want people to stay as CT, we want them to join a battalion which is the whole reason why only certain people can promote CTs and why there is only one CT job. Stop trying to get 101st back.
  12. He has had a chance, killed naval on his first day and has done nothing to bring it back. He was given a chance when the last report got voided
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