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About Pink

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  1. Pink

    Nalhalla Attack!

    Gameplay: 3/5 simple quick and fun cannot complain Care and Effort: 3/5 again quick simple good early morning event to get the blood flowing. Server Performance:5/5 server is great when 20 people are online.
  2. Gameplay: 1/5 Good premise love the other worldly idea of a cosmic entity. What really chaps my ass, I dont know if it was for story driven RP reasons or just EJs being ridiculous, but i did not enjoy being killed for no apparent reason twice and an attempt another time. Once was before event started went up to the game master, not knowing it was the game master just asking whats up then he proceeds to spawn enemies around me 2 seconds after saying get out of here if you don't want to die, really friendly talk, bud. the first time i was killed I was on a ridge attempting to comms in info then out of no where boom dead, like for real you can see I am typing we are forced to type in Gmod, so at least let a mf'er say what he needs to say before cleaving him in half. the second time I was shoot a HVT from across the way about 150m give or take. he sees where the shots are coming from then jumps towards and then appears behind me and 1 shots me from 400 hp and 100 armor. again idk if there is a story RP reason for this but as a player playing in your event it makes me want to just sit afk until the event is over. Care and Effort: 2/5 quick simple good stuff, lacks variety. Server Performance: 4/5 Idk if i was lagging or what shot were not registering on EJs or droids.
  3. Pink

    Slick betrayel

    Gameplay: 4/5 Great defcon 1 love the change of event types. Sucks we couldnt hack the munis 2nd AC needs more objectives then just blow up munis lets hack some stuff as well. Care and Effort: 4/5 fun fast pace surprise event. Server Performance: 5/5 didnt lag out this time very nice!
  4. Pink

    The Defector

    Gameplay: 3/5 fun map very nice, like the attempt on a different kind of deployment but bear had to F%$K it up. :D Care and Effort:2/5 Quick simple good stuff the narrow hallways and no clip props were confusing/annoying. Server Performance: 4/5 encountered some lag.
  5. Gameplay :3/5 good stuff, Prov was CRAZY and overwhelming. Care and Effort: 3/5 Surprise deployment rough on the edges but overall entertainment. Server Performance: 4/5 Ven was super laggy.prov model was buggy with the phasing
  6. Gameplay 3/5 - We need more things to do during the interrogation portion of the deployment. Attempted med RP with the Younglings....Attempted. Care and Effort 4/5 - Good looking map, was cohesive. Server Performance - 2/5 - Server crashed. Ventador Spawn?
  7. Pink

    Poggles factory

    2/2/2 standard shoot and loot. bored tabbed out 1/4 through it.
  8. +100000 Great Deployment, Loved that we went Defcon 1 for once!
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