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About Wraith

Wraith's Achievements



  1. RP Name: Myth Steam ID32: 76561199413321014 VIP (Y/N): No, getting it soon if parents allow. Age: 15. Timezone: CST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wanna become an admin to gain experience of being one, along with helping the people that need help when admins aren't on or active. I have really been an admin on gmod at all, this is my first major week even being on the server, or gmod at all and I wish to know what being an admin is like. I want to achieve things that I've never achived, do things that I've never done. I wanna give support to the people that need support and make sure everyone is having a great time on the server. I want to give myself a challenge that I could either do good at, or fail horribly, I want to make a large step in a game, and my very first server of doing things that regular players can't and I wanna progress as being something greater. I know that I'm not better than any other person so I'm not doing this to have power, I'm simply applying to help people and help them with what they need and ensuring the community is having fun. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): First 4-6 days on gmod, got it recently (2 days before my birthday) which was February the 8th, I've been watching pixlecat and one of his videos on his channel amazed me, Synergy so when I got the game I got to work immediately to find this server and I've succeeded, I'm just a child that is on the game 24/7, from when I wake up to when I go to bed. I've had fun on this server and was inspired by the admins of what they do so, here I am making an app. Not much to say about myself. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Nah, not in gmod what so ever. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 80+ A note: This community is amazing and has done so many good things for me, thank you for being the best community ever!
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