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About Pandabeargamer

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  1. RP Name: CG Diplomatic Services MED SSG Rys Steam ID: 76561198110860276 VIP (Y/N): No Age: 23 Timezone: Est Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to become staff because I enjoy the server, I have a blast with everyone, and the community is great. I would like to give back to the community that's why I choose to be CG, I'm use to the paperwork and dealing with minges. I have previous experience as staff with DDG back in the day, I don't mind dealing with people or conducting investigations to protect the server and other role-players. Hosting events and working with the staff team won't be a problem for me im pretty good at listening and following the rules. The biggest reason on joining staff is because i like to be fair and help out Anway I can makes me feel useful and I get a sense of joy working with veterans and newer players. becoming staff will not only give me more time to invest and help people but also give me more responsibilities and put my name out there on the server, Synergy is great Rp server and i would like to be part of the staff team and show them i have what it takes to enhance the gaming experience. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am SSG Rys aka BOBA AKA Danny, I'm 23 i enjoy Rp servers across the board i started from halo reach, to Arma Reforger. i been gaming since i was 3 my father started me out young on games, I'm chill and I am a people's person. The reason why i play a lot of roleplay games is to escape reality i work a lot but it doesn't interfere with Synergy. im a oil rigger and i have great work ethics, being part of this server helps me kill time, gives me something to do and to work for. The guys in each battalion are chill and i have a blast with them. im a fast learner and i learn things from others as well as by myself. Don't think work and being staff will be a problem im out going with the ADHD and still have some in the tank after gaming, I appreciate your time looking over my application - BOBA Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I been staff before on other servers one of them was a RP server that i worked up to senior admin, I also was Admin For DDG Prison Rp back in 2016, i haven't been staff recently due to switching to console. I recently built my computer and now back in service. i accomplished a lot as staff from dealing with mass rdmers to toxic people baiting others. I hosted wide events and have worked alongside other staff members when hosting events. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: i have over 109 hrs in the game and climbing, i know my time is close to the requirement and i want to be part of the staff while there are still room. I hope this application was formatted professionally and eye opening, Again i appreciate your time - BOBA
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