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Everything posted by Scribbles

  1. As nice as it would be to have an RM hangar, -1.
  2. I'd say yes from all your things, but you are inactive, ive never seen you aside from one time. -1
  3. But you see, Xaze is motivated. And he's extremely all for helping them out, improve where improvements are needed. He knows Each battalion well by growing relations with CO's of them. Besides, the CO's of each battalion seem to be all for him being REG.
  4. With the work he's done in general, i seriously believe he is ready for this position. He is extremely understanding and can do alot as a REG if he gets this.
  5. Scribbles


    As much as i want the OOC lounge back to go and play my Bigsmoke memes. -1 cause quite a few Batts use the BTR.
  6. Dude i know about that. But i mean for every other saber ever. The darksaber is literally the only saber with a dark inner blade.
  7. Failrp lightsabers (Dark inner blades are not lore friendly) 20k health. 8k armor. having this type of health is kinda rather silly, Even if you're compensating for 1 missing person. (also ease it with the drop pod spam, that was rather silly) -1 my guy
  8. "The tides have turned now, you're being relieved of your duty"
  9. I'd +1 this but i've spoken with many other people before, and it would be a nice thing to have but it would make Jedi overpowered. Unfortunately. So -1 my guy
  10. Scribbles

    Update Barris

    Give barris Detonators. K Thx.
  11. +1 to Fuck on this, I would happily do this omg.
  12. Gonna -1 this cause we already have battalions for that.
  13. +1 Its not a trap!! But id find it a bit useless cause there aren't any named Mon cala jedi that i know of in the clonewars, aside from Fistos apprentice that got Oofed.
  14. -1 For this, thing is. True it is lore friendly to not be lead by fox. But the thing is, you wouldnt put lore over playibility on the server. (Yes some changes have been made for the better before) But to keep everything in line it would be better for them to be under a BCMD clone (aka fox). IM not saying its with lore, but im saying its better for playing reasons. Or make things like the 501st by making a captain (leader of Senate commandos) BCMD rank, like our current rex.
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