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Posts posted by KaiserNeiner

  1. 3 hours ago, Deathtiger said:

    I would say Smugglers Haven

    I unironically think this is the best one so far. Maybe not for the entire village, but a cantina or Guild Hall if its there.

    5 hours ago, Bacta said:

    call it dollar dollar menu changing RING

    "Make Synergy 30% more serious" is this the 70%?

    • Agree 1
    • Funny 1
  2. 4/4/5

    This was a pretty shoot em up deployment, BUT it had one thing different. 

    Myself and a squad of CG pushed past WAY too early, and were at the end OBJ a lot earlier than expected. Instead of getting spawned on top of randomly, we had some pods dropped, and just harder droids spawned in front of us. Made the challenge difficult but obtainable. Thanks for hosting.

  3. I think smaller scale events with a specific audience are places you'll get a lot of RP. Main server events with pop of 70+ usually are void of anything extremely intense. 

    Event server deployments are usually heavily RP based unless for ATK or MECH batt large scale shoot em up battles.

    • Agree 1
  4. Name: Kaiser

    Who helped (If applicable): Warmaster, Shroud

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Delta Squad moved through the underbelly of Coruscant with the intent of locating a smuggled shipment of T7 Ion Disruptors. Delta's located the hostile group, eliminated security drones and the Head Smuggler, and successfully evac'd. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  5. 2/1/4

    Yeah Mav kinda summed it up. This pre-used dupe has been used for lots of deployments, and this is probably the 4th time my group and I have gone in one of the 3 over the top entrances. We specifically asked if we could get our shuttle, and it was pretty obvious what we were gonna do with it. We created a good plan to infiltrate the base and accomplish our part of the mission and we just got spawned on top of the entire time. Not even subtle about it, literally spawned on top of. I have done a lot of deployments, but I have never had more T21 users shoved down my throat than today. 

    This continued as the event went forward. Once we breached the base, and started pushing into the main area, we would clear a floor, more would get spawned, and we'd die, just for us to have to clear the same floor/room again. We were Sisyphus pushing the boulder just for it to roll back on us and crush our legs. This was not an enjoyable experience for myself and a lot of other CG members. 

    Getting an area retaken is fine. It's expected. Having it so blatantly aggressive and on top of us was not it.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Jayarr said:

    What is an ideal village in the eyes of the community? Obviously not everyone will agree, but a general consensus wouldn’t go amiss. I thought I did right by onderons, but it seems not. The feedback would be welcome for any future projects.

    I have 0 information about map creation, but if the buildings in the village were enterable, even big open rooms, I think it couldve created some opportunities to assign them titles or purpose. Opening up one of the larger buildings to be a Bank or Store or SOMETHING for rp would've been interesting. 

    The ability to get up to higher spots in the village without a jetpack would have also been nice. For non jumpers, you have 3 buildings to work with. One of them was the spawn building, one was used for hostage taking or RP, the other was the bar that you could shoot through. The biggest L of village was that you could shoot through that wall(or maybe not, maybe clones would be able to shred through a building with a Z6)

    • Agree 1
  7. 2/4/5

    I did not enjoy this event! I was confused at the start with what the OBJ was, and was also confused when CG did the tech and ENG rp to fix a LAAT and it was hyperspaced away.  I may have misunderstood the objective during that portion, and if so that is on me! 

    When we got to the main area, we heard over the intercom that you were basically just spawning on top of anyone using jetpacks. Why not just ban jetpacks at that point? Or limit them to jump packs? 

    When CG entered the ATC tower to provide negotiations with weapons on safety, we were gunned down. We then heard that the EJ was doing negotiations RP with others, which was not very cash money. We then just decided to blast our way out, similar to how the entire deployment felt. This felt very shoot em up. Additionally, we're trying to push a lot of EJ's to be providing more RP than just shooting people, but the EJ's were named to car names and just blasted anyone that was getting too ahead, or were just shooting to shoot all around. 

    Your plan seemed good for the event and it seemed very well thought out. However, it felt for myself and my battalion that we were being punished for trying to be smarter than our enemy and we didn't have much of a chance of success anywhere. I was also gone for the assault on the Jedi Temple, so if that's where most of the RP was, then I apologize I missed it!

    • Winner 1
  8. 2/3/3

    Didn't love for fire weapons to get banned because of how effective they are on vehicles for jedi to be given the greenlight to whirwhind them, then to have a tank thrown at our spawn and the EJ driver deciding to run me and another over rather than exit the spawn. Felt extremely targeted but that could just be my opinion. First half of the event was just EJ's killing people in fast tanks which is what I get dogged on sometimes, was just interesting and not cash money to witness. 

    2nd half on the Venator was actually fun. Marvel RPG'ing the infected in Medbay, the lockdowns that were held, and the extermination and rp during the 2nd half of the Venator bit was really enjoyable. Excellent job with that bit. 

    Overall I think your idea for your event was really good and unique, execution was not excellent on the first map but you made up for it int he 2nd half. God bless. 

  9. 1 minute ago, blazin said:

    Onderon was way better. Sure Corellia is "prettier", but Onderon had way more functionality. Currently on base we have 1 real sim room, a citadel that barely gets touched, and 2 rooms so small that idk how they're counted as sim rooms. Sure the planets count, but when you can get kicked out at any point during a training or a tryout makes them annoying to use. Everything we have currently is just thrown on top of each other with no real care. Even when it comes to the Jedi temple, sure it looks better but with 0 sim rooms it just creates issues where Jedi have to go on Base and take those away from the Battalions. Have gotten countless complaints about Jedi holding up the on base sim room and there's just nothing I can even say. Also with Sector 2 on onderon, we had way more room to do GM stuff. That along with the void, Onderon was just 10x better fr. 

    Hey can Jedi stop using sim rooms on base Mr. Yoda thanks

    • Dumb 3
  10. I like Onderon more, yet voted for Corellia. I think both maps do something well, and if we could capture both then that would be ideal. The planets, interior of the base, and the Jedi temple on Corellia are superior. However, Onderon has a lot more open space for activities and it makes it a lot better for GM's, especially with the void. 

    If GM's could get more creative and have better deployments, that would solve a lot of issues imo. We deploy maybe 7-14 times a week, and making THOSE more enjoyable and unique removes a bit of pressure off of GM's on Corellia to constantly host events that are mid. 

    A rotation would be best. Get a Synergy Venator or another map, and cycle between 3 or 4 depending on the season of the year. 

    • Agree 4
    • Winner 1
    • Informative 1
  11. 3/4/4

    Not sure if it was the intent to have a few hunters at high HP but after the person that came into HC to steal data took 8 RC shots I assumed it was gonna be an interesting situation. 

    Guy who did the download in HC has the fastest internet known to man.

    • Funny 1
  12. 4/4/5 Great event! Besides Ventress refusing to counter roll 3 times during the brig fight, but other than that this was very fun and very intriguing with the passive RP Gume Saam and CG had created! 

  13. 4/4/5

    This was a good event! Lots of good roleplay! Fantastic stuff and good late night event. Usually there's a lot of /me invades base with droids late at night, but good rp is rare!


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