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Everything posted by Zomb

  1. -1, I personally do not believe you are fit for the position.
  2. I was in alot of those pictures, you can tell by the one spec ops that is in a lot of them
  3. +1, In the time that I have seen 38th on the server, I have noticed one person who stands out among them and would make for a good battalion commander. That is you. I feel that with your experience, along with your vision for how you want to change the 38th would make for you to be a great leader & battalion commander of the 38th.
  4. -1, I'm sorry, and I'm sure that your a great person, however I would prefer to have a BCMD under my regiment to have prior experience within the battalion, I also do feel like if you got the position of Battalion Commander, the recommendation system that you want to put in would take the time to recieve promotions for new players to a low, which would encourgage people that want to move up, to move out. This doesn't say anything about you personally, just that I feel there are better candidates.
  5. As the Regimental Commander for the Specialized Battalions, I would have wished this was brought up to me before you posted a commander report. That being said, Aust should not be demoted, yet. He should be given 2 weeks to improve the activity of his battalion aswell as his own activity, or I will step in.
  6. Why bby I wont get daily pokes saying I'm inactive anymore
  7. +1, Zander deserves a second round at Commander.
  8. Name: Zomb Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75515593 Final day of work (Must be three days later): 7/30/17 Reason for leaving: I'm burnt out of Starwars RP and I want to try something new, I'll be keeping my High Command rank to make sure that server stays running, so I won't be leaving the community, just the staff team. Farewells: I dont really have any farewells because I will be staying apart of the community.
  9. +1, you have led ST in the past and have the most experience required to run the battalion in my opinion.
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