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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2017 in all areas

  1. RP Name: 2ndAC IT SGT1 Rafrica Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60873148 Age: 16 Gender: Male Timezone: GMT+0900 (Tokyo Standard) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an administrator for one specific reason. As things currently stand this server consistently has no admins online from ~0600 AM EST to ~1200 EST. This causes major issues with the retention of interested parties as there is nobody on to conduct whitelisting (I have personally sat and waited for 2 hours with a trooper waiting for an admin to get online to whitelist). This lack of staff activity and coverage also encourages mingey behavior and blatant disregard of rules as there are no staff on to enforce or regulate behaviors. The lack off staff activity also creates many logistical and administrative hurdles to be overcome that discourage trainers from doing their and also discourage battalion members from recruiting. I believe that in order for this situation to be rectified the server needs admins who are on during these hours without having to disrupt their normal activities. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a Military Dependent living in Okinawa, Japan(4 years) I've lived in Kansas(6 months), Guam(3 years), South Dakota(3 years), Germany(3 years), Utah(3 years). I have done 2 years in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and am one of the most decorated of the cadets in the AFJROTC Distinguished Unit JA-932(151 cadets). Among the many commendations I have received are the Outstanding Cadet Ribbon, which is rewarded to the best cadet in each year. The Leadership Ribbon, granted for displaying exemplary leadership. Daughters of the American Revolution ROTC Medal, given for academic excellence, dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, and leadership. During my time with Unit JA-932 I have held three leadership positions. Commander of the Black Knights Program, a program designed to teach cadets orienteering and wilderness survival. Cyber Officer, the officer responsible for the maintenance and inventory of all computers belonging to Unit JA-932. The Cyber Officer is also responsible for all records(Cadet Transcripts, Rank Orders/Histories, Operating Instructions...) for Unit JA-932. Lastly I started my unit's CyberPatriot program, a national cyber defense competition, and have lead them to place as the 14th and 9th in the AFJROTC Category(~900 teams). Both years we have been the best team in the Pacific against all other divisions. Do you have any previous staff experience? Head Admin- Wolfnation, Minecraft server ~200 players, 2012 Community Manager- Corporate Legion, Competitive Planetside 2 Team ~600 members, 2013-2015 High Command(equivalent of Overseer)- NCBS, Competitive Planetside 2 Team ~40 members, 2016 Admin- JSRG Gaming, Gaming Community ~100 members, 2017
    1 point
  2. Well I was always in love with star wars and I searched servers and found icefuse and got trained. About 5 minutes later we had a defcon 6 event ( evacuate) I was the lone CT PVT on the event sever. I stood in the back not knowing what to do. Then a 187th came up to me and said change your name to 187th traine well worry about team speak later. So I did the event with them and had fun. Once we got back on the venator I changed my name back to CT PVT and went to 501st tryouts (sorry 187th) I passed 501st tryouts and the recruiters name was del. He was a very nice guy and welcomed me to the team. I did a lot of events with them and when i reached CPL someone said we can pick from lore names now! So I said ok and picked denal from the long list. Sadly 2 days later i went to shock tryouts and passed and had to say bye to the 501st. I was ST for a while and didn't like it much so I went to spec ops aka the oreos. I was under zombs command and I was in the battalion until it was known as shadow company. Then I went to my favorite battalion yet. 5th fleet. I worked under the command of commander joe and I was his XO I also got to work with technodad. Then icefuse fell. When joah was banned the server pretty much feel.almost everyone resigned. Then synergy roleplay launched and went over there as a 91st TR3. It was fun. I got to go on recon missions on speeders with all of the guys. Then we went on the venator. No more recon no more speeders. So I went to RANCOR. Where I met false,vint, and dondi. False was a great teacher. I reached SGT3 and got ARC trained. I was a badass ARC trooper. Them I met a guy named @freck he was staff so was I. We where good friends then I joined him in shadow company. I met a lot of great guys. Thunder,freck,flynn, and aust. I didn't know sixseven well then he quit. So then Aust became BCMD. He is an amazing teacher and commander. Then I thought CG needed help. So I went over there and made a promise to Aust I would come back. So I went to CG met 2 amazing people there. Vanhorn and bazzo. I ranked transferred over to CSM and a few weeks later when trig quit bazzo became fox. He gave me LT and Hound. I was hound I let thunder and smalljeff be my grizzer it was fun times. But i saw SC dying. So It was time to fulfill my promise to Aust. I came back. Now I have the best battalion I could think of. There's vanhorn false freck and thunder. It's amazing. So now I'm in SC known as SC MAJ Kip.
    1 point
  3. Considering the circumstances he will not be removed from his position. In the event that his activity does not improve much then this could be looked into again. Closed.
    1 point
  4. Good post my friend, but unless the community as a whole changes attitudes nothing is going to be fixed anytime soon. The one thing I remember about the server is that everyone was very unenthusiastic about alot of stuff, from even basic RP to even getting on the server. The entire atmosphere on the server just screamed "NOTHING IS FUCKING GOING ON" so alot of people would just be tabbed out/not even on the server because its a waste of time. Its upto the players themselves to find the motivation to encourage RP and create scenarios. If you dont have motivation to get on the server, then dont get on. Noone is forcing you to play and be miserable. Ive played a fuckton of gmod in my time and taking a step back and playing SWTOR was probably one of the best things Ive ever done.
    1 point
  5. Oh shit, it's the guy that shaved my goatee. -1 for that Wait, nevermind it's my Buddy Waxer big +1
    1 point
  6. Holy tits those models...just keep not that we use CGI models.
    1 point
  7. Its not fully finished yet, but ill make a formal suggestion for it if this post gets good feedback.
    1 point
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