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CIS Trojen Horse


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 Name:4thGME CSM Ben 

Who helped (Kdog sanchez shadowed ]

Event Summary of the story: ok so this is how it is alright i was outside doing maitenence noticed the cannons are not doig to hot so we dissable them then i found a CIS virus in the turret systems and comm links and because of that we got suspicious so i check more then i usually would and it ends up that they planted a biological virus to spread as well so i am getting checked out as we have a man scanning the tech virus and finds out CIS are on their way here and attack us as we are vulnerable and so later on in that day the previous infection they thought was cured wasnt and it ended up that they were under attack by a mind control type of virus and it made some clones turn on each other

What was the result of the event?: Republic won the day


Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: it was a shoot em up 

Edited by Bigben8051
messed up the first time

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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