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Republic escape.....


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Name: Sanchez

Who helped (If applicable):  Blake sky

Event Name: Republic escape.....

Summary of the story: deligent naval spots a device in med calling down any TEch trained personel down they identify as the device as the tracking beacon used to call in the CIS attack by general kalani 24 hours before with a commando droid still on board general kalani figures out they have found the device with the assitance of the commando droid General kalani tells the commando droid to place another tracker in the middle of the ship after this general kalani and two redudant ones Randomly around the ship after which general kalani tells the commando droid that activation will take 5 minutes  the clones having found only 2 of the 3 trackers one is activated as the venator hyperspaces to tatooine With general kalani knowing this ahead of time sets up a ambush The republic scared by the ambush starts the attack

What was the result of the event?:  The republic won and the Negotiator helped refuel the resolute.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Edited by [SR] Sanchez [SA]
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