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Bolt's Kashyyyk Species Fakeout


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Name: Bolt

Who helped (If applicable): BBStine [Game Helper/Event Job - Ships | Mercenary Force Guy] [Comrade and Doctorwhite as event jobs (2 more but they left early]

Event Name: Kashyyyk Species Fakeout

Summary of the story: The Republic was sent to Kashyyyk to investigate a new species possibility. The escorts to the new species, 4 CT's, turned out to be commando droids. The 41st were ambushed and outnumbered in a corner pocket of the mountainside. While that occured, engineers and medics moved into a power station to turn on comms on for the abandoned base that was just put into use recently. They soon fought through multiple CIS ships and Republic ships countering those ships along with CIS Tanks and their own vehicles to combat. Along with ground troops too, and soon the CIS lost the space battle and 1 ship left hyperspaced away.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up besides the first 10 minutes was rp


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