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Bolt's Hutt Negotiation Event


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Name: Bolt

Who helped (If applicable): Panda [Game Helper - Teleporting] | Comrade, Kix, Quebec, Zeke, Synyster, Radier [Event Jobs - Hutt's, Droid, Bounty Hunter bois]

Event Name: Hutt Negotiation

Summary of the story: The Republic was sent to negotiate with Hutt's after 2 died on the venator in the last event. They managed to negotiate well and prove themselves. Soon 2 bounty hunters with a mercenary army attacked to try to kill the Hutts to bring down their cartel. The republic defended them, and won their respect, and made them neutral again.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP Beginning | Shoot em up mid-end



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