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I need your opinion on Force Whirlwind(telekinesis)

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If there was a way to have differing strengths(Levels 1-5 could be tied to skill tree or to Jedi rank or both) would it be nice for all Jedi to have telekinetic abilities(in lore and cannon even force sensitive toddlers can make objects hover)? The other thing: When you throw someone with force whirlwind they have immediate control of their bodies which means they can stop their movement the second they are released and arrest their flight. If the same stun that happens after force push could happen after a person is released that would solve the issue but would you guys dislike that mechanic(I personally feel it adds more realism)? Anyway those are my suggestions. Any and all opinions are appreciated. Thank you.

(Ability to lift objects based on weight)
Level 1: Nothing heavier than a gun.
Level 2: Nothing heavier than a table.
Level 3: Nothing heavier than a person.
Level 4: Nothing heavier than a fighter.
Level 5: Everything that isnt a Capital Ship.(No The Force Awakens moments)

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