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Zyner's Thinking Outside The Box


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Who helped (If applicable):


Event Name:

Thinking Outside The Box

Summary of the story:

The Venator went through an asteroid field while on auto-pilot and some asteroids collided with the hull. The shield took care of most but a few rather sharp asteroids pierced the hull and allowed in a quickly growing life form that spread through the ship.

What was the result of the event?:

The alien life forms quickly adapted to the new environemnt, feeding off of the blaster fire of the Troopers and quickly mutating and evolving. This lead to a massive alien tormenting the Main Hangar Bay as all forces shot at it to no avail - not realizing it was feeding off their ammunition. Finally, the deviced the idea to toss it out of the moonpool when they realized not all problems can be solved with blaster fire.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

Shoot 'em up

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