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Implement Regimental Jedi


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Name: Tyze/ Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

Suggestion: These Jedi would work closely with the Regiment that they are associated with. The permissions would be set to what the bcmds want and as well as the high command wants and it can as well be different perms for each battalion. They would not at all be able to overrule the Bcmd desicions at all. These jedi would fully work with each battalion equally an as well working with the clone high command. The person would have to be master+ to even get a chance to try for a position like this.

Implementation: Jedi working with high command and the battalions under the regiment

Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Special_Operations_Brigade there is some lore that arligan zey was one of the "regimentals" during the clone wars. for sobde. 

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