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Salvation's Staff Application


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RP Name: 501st TR1 ACJT Salvation // Jedi Knight Sentinel Salvation

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125903662

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Hello, I'm Salvation and thanks for reading my staff app! There are many different reasons to why I would like to be an administrator on Synergy. One, I enjoy this server a lot, I would like to get more involved in the server. Two, I like and am very interested in staffing on servers, I have staff experience on other serious rp servers (icefuse) and I staffed on superior servers for a while. Three, I'm a very helpful person and I like to help people out. As staff I can get an opportunity to do a lot more of this. Four, Because I know that I'm capable to staff very well, and I would like to do that on this server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hello, I'm Salvation. I like to game on PC, I mainly play G-Mod, (currently 8,333 Hours on the game.) I love serious rp servers on gmod, (synergy is the only server I play, and I don't think that will change). Irl, I enjoy sports such as Baseball, Football, Surfing and BMX. This is a little about myself. (didn't want to include too much irl)

Edited by Salvation
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Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback/Lack of Detail in Application.

You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on September 7th.

Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.

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