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Nicros's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 101st MED PLTR SMB Nicros

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38593864

Age: 22 years of age

Gender: Male

Timezone: USA, New York,
    Eastern Time Zone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would be training CR's and taking ticket's (As a TMOD or above) but as far as why I want to join the staff team, I have goals of being more than just a trooper for roleplay and events, I want to give the community better structure as well as help work on projects in the future of the icefuse servers. I also wish to use my do these things with my real life experiences working as an assistant manager at a restaurant as well as having leadership roles in the past. I want to be someone that everyone looks up to as a roleplayer and a community staff member, I want to play my part in the community to help others learn as well as give consequences to those that break rules. Rule breaking is often something that happens on these servers during the morning times when no mods are around and I would like to help during those times as well. I have experience with management in real life and I think I am qualified to have such a role on the servers. Having real life experience qualifies me in this role than most of the current moderators all together, I am also 22 years of age which means I have had more experiences in life in general giving more wisdom and knowledge than others as well as having moderation roles in other games as well even as a child during my days of playing ROBLOX (yes roblox.) To leading my own squadrons in military games such as Counter-Strike and Insurgency.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 22 year old male from New York (USA) and my first name is Alex. My hobbies consist of playing video games, cooking, helping others in need. I was raised in a family were most of my family members don't like me simply because I don't communicate with them due to feel unwanted along with having depression. I graduated high school in 2013, i've considered going to college multiple times but i've never been sure on what i'd go for on top of being turned away from it considering the fact that I was bullied in school for the way I look.



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