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Zyner's Talz Hunters


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Who helped (If applicable):


Event Name:

Talz Hunters

Summary of the story:

Some Talz picked up the profecion of being Bounty Hunters to be vigilantes for those who were wronged, taking up hits on those who abused innocent people or were violent individuals, greed and such. After only a few days of being Bounty Hunters, and not very good ones at that, they picked up a contract against the Song of a Pirate who robbed a cargo ship. They severely under estimated their enemy and they were outnumbered and outskilled, their ship destroyed as they escaped in an escape pod and eventually met up with the Republic.

What was the result of the event?:

The Talz tried to get help from the Republic but eventually decided to make a last ditch effort to attack them as they showed no sign of aiding. As the attack was happening, the Son of a Pirate came around and began an assault on the Republic as he figured they had welcomed the Talz. Surprisingly, the Republic made a deal with the Pirates, to give up the Talz if the Pirate stoppedd the attack. The exchange was made and the Pirates left on their way.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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