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Mark F. Staff Application

Mark F.

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RP Name: 501st ARFL CSM Mark

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67319065

Age: 19

Gender: Male(Why does it matter)

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): After I left my former position, I felt that I wanted to help again and that I couldn't just stand and do nothing. I feel that my skills are going to waist just doing nothing and that I could do more and that I will do more if I am able to prove myself by becoming staff. I just would like to help other people on the server no matter how big or how small and to ensure that each individual get the best possible playing experience and i want to enhance their enjoyment on the server. I am always willing to learn and become a better staff member. I am able to work with others and act like a team in an effort to make the server a fun and fair place to hang out and enjoy it here. I will also treat every person with respect, I feel that it is important because first impressions is everything and if my first contact with people is good then people with have a higher respect to staff. To add I am also a good decision maker so anyone breaking the rules will have a fair punishment.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like to get involved in a lot of things and generally help around in places where I can. I am able to learn skills and techniques fast and be able to adapt them to use in the every day life of this server. I am a working man that works from 4 PM - 12 AM yet I still find time to get on here and sleep while keeping myself organized.

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Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback.

You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on September 4th.

Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.

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