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Keo's Event - Two Sided Merchants


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Who helped (If applicable): Darkk,Caboose,Tharin, Blank, Overdrill, Scarz, Thermite

Event Name: Two sided Merchants

Summary of the story: Some merchants came aboard the ship and began selling weapons, food and guns to the clones. The merchants were friendly but it turns out their products were stolen from the Deathwatch. The deathwatch followed them and confronted them. The clones did not hand them over and the deathwatch ended up boarding the ship and fighting the clones. Merchants died and Deathwatch caused some chaos

What was the result of the event?: Merchants died. Deathwatch left supplies and hyperspaced away.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was roleplay beginning but ended shoot em up

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I like to fight +1

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