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Chambers/Lighig -Diplomatic Rescue

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Name: Chambers - Lighig

Who helped (If applicable): Stix Darkk, Alec, Blank., Lighig

Event Name: Diplomatic Rescue 

Summary of the story: THe Redeemer receives a distress call from Tali station saying they have come under attack from pirates and the Redeemer rushes to the rescue.
They Arrive and find the station in shambles and pirate forces attempting to breach the emergency containment shields.
The clones deploy from the LAAT taking out all of the pirate forces and begin to hack the containment shields protocols so they can start evacuating the civilians on board they find one of the Republics Senators were on board for a secret meeting to discuss a ceasefire with a representative of the separatists that never showed.
They bring them back to the Redeemer and come under attack by the CIS (It was a trap) The CIS faked the want for peace to lure the senator into a trap but both the Pirates and the Redeemer beat them to the station.
The pirates also come back to see the CIS and the Republic trying to take their slaves and potential ransom (the senator) and begin to attack both the CIS and the Redeemer.

What was the result of the event?: Republic victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50

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+1 was a really GOOD concept and well thought true, it was fun fight against grievious and aswell against the trando's, i hope we see more stuff like this when 2 things collide with eatchother and how interogation aswell as protection was very fun and challenging.

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi

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