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Chambers - Rokah's Highseas Hijinks.

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Name: Chambers

Who helped (If applicable): Tybo, Ryan, Jirachi

Summary of the story: The Redeemer gets a distress signal from a freighter that seems to have suffered critical damage to its engines and is requesting aid and is tractored onboard the ship, 
has a bunch of Mastiffs with him.
Is a captain to a pirate crew and "accidentally" releases his hounds on the ship and they run amock.
After a bit, he calls his ship in and attacks the redeemer and his crew boards it and tries to piler the QM room, ER, and bridges of valuables and data
[Captain steals the access codes for the defense network of Kamino]

What was the result of the event?: The Data was taken by the captain, haven't seen the last of him and one of his ships was destroyed

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50

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+1 loved it whole time keep it up :D

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3 minutes ago, Havochaos said:

+1 for the story and investigation rp
-1 for flooding the brig with trandoshans and spawn camping the CG

Sorry, had to break the captain out so whether it was NPCs or event jobs the CG would have still died in their spawns

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