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Avavel's Assasination


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Name: Avavel

Who helped (If applicable): Meow, lyonaxis, Lighig, Wicked

Event Name: Assasination

Summary of the story: a Rogue CIS Senator took important infomation about the Ion Oulse Cannon and ran to the republic asking for shelter. Lok and Grevious managed to track him down and launch a full fleet against the Traitor. With the combined forces of the mercs lok hired and the droids the senator died miserably. with that Durge and grevious managed to escape and retreat since their mission was accomplished. The End * Ending Credits*

What was the result of the event?: Republic wiped the attacking forces. But the Defected CIS Senator Died.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with a bit of RP and Advert RP

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