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Black's Event Distraction

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Specialized Regimental Commander Black

Who helped (If applicable):

NO one

Event Name:

2nd Returned

Summary of the story: 

Admiral Reigh was disappointed in the loss yesterday... He decided to do another attack but this time on the temple. He sends 3 Frigates to engage the temple with a bunch of b1 Droids to kill the Jedi. With that being said the Admiral didn't expect any clone reinforcements anytime soon. While Admiral Reigh plans his attack he carries valuable intel in his RED Frigate which can lead to my separate story ARC later on.

What was the result of the event?:

Jedi and Clones managed to hold off the attack and win

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

Majority shoot em up for Jackson event server event

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