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Kyle Vanhorns Staff App

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RP Name:  104th MAB MED TR2 Vanhorn

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24725178

Age: 33

Gender: M

Timezone:  CST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an admin/staff on this server to help enforce rules. I believe that without a good staff the server will not be good. I am a very active player and I will be able to be on hours that the younger staff can not be on due to age. I believe that I can help this server with past experience as staff. I am good working with other staff and I have a lot of common sense. As a staff member on this server I can also help enforce the OOC Theatre.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I served in the United States Marine Corps for 2 years before I got shot in 2006. I have over 6000 hours on garys mod which a good 95% of that time was being staff on DarkRP. I have been all ranks from Trial Mod all the way to Head-Admin and Co-Owner of servers. I ran the D3vine server for 3 years managing staff. I re-wrote the training for Ice Fuse Military RP on how the staff is to be trained step by step. I have a lot of staff experience and experience as a Role Player period. I believe having active staff and staff that work a lot on the server will make the typical player experience great. I am always willing to talk to anyone for any reasons either stuff about game or even advice from a 100% Disabled Veteran. I am always on TeamSpeak while I am on my computer so I am super active.  I would like to thank everyone for reading this post. If you give me +Support or -Support please let me know how I can improve or what you think that I am doing good.

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+1 fuck yeah you were great to talk to while you were still in the 101st when it came to either serious or non serious matters and i think you deserve it after everything you did on hat other server which i shall not name!

Edited by Forge
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+Vanhorn is a pheonominal roleplayer when he tries.

+Vanhorn is a excellent staff member.

+I have know him for about a year, and he has taught me how to become a great staff.

-Vanhorn has a bad youtube channel (This is a topic of debate).

Overall - Vanhorn is a great candidate!

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