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Pratt's Staff Application


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Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I had been an administrator on the server a while back, like in January and February. I had become inactive at the time my schooling got restarted and was removed with a bunch of other people. However, now I am done with this years schooling and have a lot of my time on my hands, that is why I have also returned to Synergy. I know how to be a good person on the server and treat people with respect no matter their rank on the server. I am patient with players and have begun to train CC's again on the server, I am still working on getting those numbers back up. I do know that I have the experience to be a member of the staff team, but I am still working on creating the support behind me. Later in my time as an administrator I hope to become a gamemaker and provide fun experiences for players on the server. 

EDIT after Joshua's comment : I really hope to improve the server by training people thoroughly and drilling into peoples minds that respect will get them far within the server. Hopefully one day I will become a game maker and will have the opportunity to create something fun for everyone on the server. Also I just like being able to help people out however I can, I really do just like helping people on the server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am a 19 yo architecture student at Pratt Institute. I am working in the schools wood shop over the summer since I had worked there during the school year. I consider myself to be tech savvy, I use the schools 3d printers, work with 3d modeling software and am learning how to use Blender, Unity, and Unreal Engine over the summer. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

yes, I was a new admin on this server for a short while as mentioned above. Additionally I was an administrator on the Lazarus SWRP server for several months until I had to focus on school to get into college.  In other games I have been a Minecraft server owner and admin on some small servers whose names I now forget because I cant remember my MC login. Also I have been a moderator / administrator on several Unturned servers; HuddleRP, Unturned SeriousRP, and New Unturned RP. Only HuddleRP still runs, today.

Edited by Pratt
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Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

So why do you wish to become a Administrator exactly? just wondering else its a very good application and i have also seen you on quite often



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good app

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+1, been doing good for the server on helping cc's and helping who ever needs it and still being mature in some situations and knows how to handle them!


Current:  Jedi General A'sharad Hett

Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi | Simms



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