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Black's Cargo


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Who helped (If applicable):

Black, Arcann, Conrad, Quill

Event Name:


Summary of the story:

An unscheduled inspection arrived on the Venator as a Republic Resupplier announced he would be going over the systems and see what was required to be updated or stocked up on. As it turns out, the Resupplier's family was kidnapped by the CIS and he was threatened to bring in CIS explosives on-board or his family would be killed. With no other choice as he was escorted in by Commando Droids wearing Clone Trooper armor he needed to do as demanded.

What was the result of the event?:

The Resupplier made it onto the Venator, one of the Commando droids managed to install an uplink to a nearby droid group, giving them access to shut the lights off and open the gates to board. The Republic grew weary as the events unfolded, leading to the Commando Droids to self destruct and giving the Resupplier a chance to explain himself. After the Venator fended off the invasion, they deployed RANCOR & 91st to Endor where the Resupplier's family was held captive & retrieved the family.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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