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Game Helper Black's Event


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Name: Black/Wolffe

Who helped (If applicable): Koval, Lazer, ARcann, SMeck

Event Name: The Planet Phillio

Summary of the story: CIS Forces Have a planet named Phillio in the outer rim. Its Terrain is hills mountains and ocean, the cis manage to find a volcano that has already erupted they decided to carve inside of it and transform it into a base for secret testing on Chemical weapons and super weapons. They eventually made the Island into a fortress. They modified the top of the volcano to be a canon or an orbital Canon to take down ships above it. What contains inside are High Ranking CIS Officials and Commanders. The Republic Decide to launch an attack on the fortress to take out the High Command of the Out rim siege with the CIS and take out there super weapon and Experiments. It will be nearly impossible for a frontal assault so they decided to send a task force into to break in from behind the tunnel with hacking its escape Door. They wil also send units by air to go through The Canons hole of where it fires.

What was the result of the event?: Turned out to go south really bad but recovered really easily throughout the event

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented even Both 

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