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Public Council Records 4/4/18


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Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Padawans can attend Temple Guard & Shadow Trials. If the Padawan does pass the trial they will put on a reserve list within the Sentinel Roster until they pass Knight Trials. When they pass Knight trials or get promoted via recommendations they will be granted the branch position as well. If a Padawan did this it would encourage them to start attending the Knight Trials or work for recommendations. It also helps the branches in terms of getting numbers. - Pyle/Arcann/Jefferson Passes

Revert the massive damage the lightsaber does back to the old damage. I don’t like EO’s but this needs to happen. I used to spar everyday for long periods of times before the damage increase, but now I can’t stand it. - Dargon Passes

Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for promotion/demotion/removal (EO)

Jorrdan for Master - Dargon/Pyle Passes

Master/Branch Interviews


Named Master Promotions (EO)

Mundi: Open

Quinlan Vos: Open

Eeth Koth : Open

Jocasta Nu : Open


Open Floor PTS (EO)

Please do not sign up for a trial unless you know you can be there. Like if you sign up for a trial 5 days later than make sure that nothing is planned. I can understand if it’s like a last minute emergency, but I see people just not show up all the time. - Dargon

Trial Schedule for the week of 4/4/18

Youngling 4/5/18 - Mike/Pyle 4pm EST

Knight EAST 4/6/18 - Pyle/Koval 12pm EST

Knight WEST 4/6/18 - Mike/Arcann 6pm EST

Youngling 4/7/18 - Tybo/Jefferson 6pm EST

Knight 4/8/18 - Egg/Pyle 4pm EST

Youngling EAST 4/9/18 - Egg/Tyzen 2am EST

Youngling WEST 4/9/18 - Pyle/Tybo 6pm EST

Knight 4/10/18 - Arcann/Lighig 5pm EST

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