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Blaze's Black Sun Takeover


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Name: Blaze

Who helped (If applicable): Six, Cody, Scotty, WildZeus, Hick

Event Name: Blaze's Black Sun Takeover

Summary of the story: The Republic has been made aware that the Black Sun has taken over a group of planets. The first planet the Republic goes to is the mines. Here they meet the slaves and discover the location of the Black Sun base. They travel to the base and destroy the generators creating a ray shield around the Slave Manager's HQ. They then clear out the incoming hostiles and head to the last planet in hopes of capturing the Slave Manager. Unfortunately he does not go without a fight...

What was the result of the event?: The Slave Manager died, Republic victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both


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16 minutes ago, Zyner said:


Fun, very roleplay oriented with a justified amount of shooting. Every planet had its purpose in the story and all connected well.

you are now the new Negotiator LOL     but overal +1 well thoughtout   pleasure being the only helper for ya bud  would love to help ya out again @Blaze  

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