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ARF/Recon getting grapples


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At the current state of the server, it seems that only jet-troopers can really only scout proficiently because they can simply just fly to a high area and place down survaliance. Besides getting cool weapons, this makes the overall idea of a ARF/Recon trooper pointless. Giving ARF and scouts grappling hooks will inturn make it 5 times easier for us to properly scout if you will. It's hard to give out intel of a possible enemy threat when you always have a grounds-eye view.

I personally think this should should be plain out common knowledge aswell. There's no wiki-page that specifically details that Scouts/ARF had grapples because it's a basic clone item that pretty much all of clones had. Nonetheless, I think it's safe to say lore-wise that Arf/scouts obviously had grapples so they could properly do their job and our ARF and Recon should be given the same amenity aswell.

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