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The Senator's Dirty Secret


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Who helped (If applicable):Stix, Unkindles, Vos, Canadian , Kurama, Ralwen, thorision,Artican

Event Name: The Senator's Dirty Secret

Summary of the story: During one of a senator's dirty nightlife affairs he goes missing in the lower Sections of NarshadAR. Republic forces are sent in to assist the local Security Forces in the Recovery of the Senator.Once there they are to gather intel from the local Populis to discover the location of the Senator

Da.What was the result of the event?:It was a bit cluster.With troopers glitching through the walls, and fellow staff fading doors areas meant to be cut  off it confused the forces deployed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: ROLE PLAY

event 3.png

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+1 very confusing but that wasn't a bad thing. The players actually had to make connections, for me, I first met the jawa and gave them a cookie they said "you poison me, I want fresh" and so I went to the store a saw with a label "fresh food" and bought a dozen cookies for 10credits then after verifying the safety of the cookies offered them to the jawa, who then provided me with information that the security guards were corrupt and we ended up detaining him. Great event, lots of fun, my only issue is that people were saying I didn't and needed to go back to main when I had 0 deaths also I was somehow failrping/metagaming when I detained the corrupt guard who the jawa informed us about?

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