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Crumpet’s fateful end

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For those of you who know the story of the character I’ve made behind my clone Crumpet, you would know he was not a healthy clone. Overly passionate, felt sympathy for the enemy, and was schizophrenic. Crumpet started to develop these mental issues around 8 months ago. He has served on many Venators for many years all in the name of the Republic. After going through the horror and pain of war, Crumpet finally decided enough was enough and drowned himself in the bacta tanks.


Out of character though, it was a great run. Overall just bored with garrys mod. I’ve been a Star Wars RP player since the end of 2014. I dont plan on coming back, and if I do, it wont be for a couple of months. Not everythings the same anymore. Pretty much all my friends have already resigned so I dont really have much left in Star wars rp. Feel free to add me on steam if you want to hang out, http://steamcommunity.com/id/crumpeteblank i play a lot of different games like Rising Storm 2, Dota, League, Overwatch, etc. Anyways, o7 thanks for the love Synergy.

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