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Staff application


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RP Name:TR 212th QM ENG CBTT SSG Tippy

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:77368334



Time zone: Central/Mountain

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I want to help the server grow more. Get rid of the people who are bad for the server. Make events that people would enjoy and entertaining. I want to be well more known in the community. Get a better feel in server. Overall help the server and get more involved in it. Also to get more experience as a being staff.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am helpful to those who need it. I am knowledgeable about most things. For most of the time I am a serious person when needed to. Kind of known around the place.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, Admin, The Nuclear Baddases. BurstLineNetwork, GameMaster. Code3Gaming, SuperAdmin. MixedRP SuperAdmin.

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while i wont give this a +1, i'm not giving it a -1 either. The reason for this is that your heart seems to be in the right place, but thats really all i could grasp from this.

This really needs more detail, this is supposed to be your chance to impress the staff team with how much effort you can put into this application, but at times it reads as though you put it through a generic application creator. 

Another thing is that you do seem to have a bit of experience as staff, it would be nice to know how much time you spent as staff on all these servers.

Overall, you could be a good member of the staff team, it's just that if you put about as much effort into it as you did this application, you wont last long.

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