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Nap/DodgeDealerTaymor ban appeal


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RP Name: Clone Trooper Private Nap
Steam ID: not needed its more TS
Date of Ban: 3/8/18/sometime a couple more mounths ago
Length of Ban: 1 hour/permanent
Offense: being nap
Banned By: Blackmamba/jackson
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Well i need to start by explaining so basically im nap and snake 212th like i just pulled some gang shit on them and they ban me and todd from their TS for what was supposed to be a brief period of time. usually ill like chill in the bottom channels with marx todd spectre and some old friends cus we old 212th and then ill get abused for a bit and that was it. but its like a whole new level. i never even fuck with the 212th anymore. dont touch them AT ALL. all i do is chill and want to talk and i poke them i just want to talk you turds with my boys and they like nah. todd got unbanned from their TS but i politely asked as well and am still banned. i use their channels as like a gang house to chill with my gang and chill with them if they want and dont touch them but their cunts and pull up and gang bang all of us. usually todd and spectre get like kicked but i get mega kicked from the server like a kick right in my booty hole. we come back, just explain to them to chill we wont do anything to them and we gon chill and shit and they could chill with us cus we all old 212th and they like a bunch of babies like "WAHHHHH IM TELLING ON YOU" like the little tattle tales they are and tell their mommy called ATK reg jackson to ban me for a bit. im tired of being abused we will start protests if this is not treated LIKE DEADASS TEAMSPEAK WILL TURN INTO FUCKING WEST VIRGINIA MY GUY WE RIOT THE SHIT WE ON STRIKE KNOW WHAT AM SAYING but like forreal i am asking to be unbanned from 212th TS mostly and then i can wait out the synergy TS ban but it would be nice if i also get unbanned

Evidence to support your claims: ok i mean evidence is pretty obvious if you havent been anywhere near the attack regiment channels you prob wouldnt know

ADD ON NOTE: Compensation is required btw. I accept bitcoins, dripcoins, south sudanese currency as well. I take guns and bullets as i need to supply my south sudanese rebellion so Koval please talk to me and we will work out the compensations LY babe

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After further investigation, this seems to happen often to you. The reason you were banned from TS for an hour was because you were joining their channel, even know they told you not to. You continued to disregard their commands and then Jackson banned you. Your 1 hour ban from TS will NOT be lifted. As for the permanent ban from the 212th channel, that is not up to me. That is up to BCMD Cody and his commanders. This ban appeal has been DENIED. 

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