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Anderson's Staff application


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RP Name: Hi my name is TR 501st MSG QM Anderson

Steam ID:76561198368279845 or STEAM_0:1:204007058

Age: i am 18 years old

Gender: Im a male

Timezone: (EST)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin because i want to stop people from trolling and mingeing on the server. want to help out on the server. I've seen hundreds of rule-breakers on your server and I want to stop those spammers, hackers, cheaters, griefers, and forum-flamers. The only thing that those rule-breakers are doing are ruining our everyday lives on your server and your forums. We all know that no body likes a rule-breaker.And i just want make everybody happy in this loving game so and make the players be happy whit our environment.

What makes you are better applicant than others. i Would not say that i am better then other people but i think we would all be equals to other staffs.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) I am smart active and reliable, but i also am honorabale and i just love to play games it helps me relax and i relly love to hang a lot whit some peolpe or just have fun. I also do Basket ball and i really but really hate people that disrespect other people.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No I havent but that is why i would love to try out


Edited by Anderson1909
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