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Faded's Staff Application


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RP Name: GM 4thT CPL Faded

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187935235

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central Standard 


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I wish to be a staff member to help out the community and the server in general. I wish whenever I see "minges" I could stop them, or kick them, arrest them, etc. I want to help the Synergy role play have a better community and serious role play for all players! I would love to help out people who have questions or @ and respond to them with an answer or simply to help them. I would never ever abuse my power because that is just not right. I am mostly active with in the server and always want to help it and the community! I love the server and the community besides the "minges", but I've always wanted to support and help the server with in reasons, and go up in the higher area. I've always wanted to be an admin or just a regular staff member to help the server the best I can!


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I'm currently in school obviously, but I am a hard worker and always tries to get the job done no matter what situation or circumstances. I am mature for my age and I get what I am told to done. I mostly try to get along with everybody but some people I ignore. I like to stay out of trouble with in reasons. I recently switched to PC coming from Xbox, and I'm getting a hang of things a lot. I was big into a lot of COD and Rainbow Six Siege, anyway I'm active a lot, (besides during school). I mostly play about 4 hours or above on the server a day or if I'm busy with school work or personal life issues!

Do you have any previous staff experience?

None, I have not been a staff on any server, which sounds bad, but you got to start somewhere!



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Congratulations. You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 26th to contact an Overseer (Or a Head Admin if an Overseer is not available)

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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