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The mole patrol

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the mole patrols job is to go “underground” so to speak to uncover plans and secrets of the CIS and other republic enemy’s. There’s 2 squads:alpha whose main job is to extract data and zeta squad whose job is to uncover CISpossisions in the outer rim 


Alpha leader: @Snadvich

Alpha ENG:Open

Alpha Sniper:Open

Alpha Lookout:Open

Zeta Leader:Open

Zeta HVY:Open

Zeta Scout:Open

Zeta Spy:Open




message me to sign up!

Edited by ccmonty
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6 minutes ago, Snadvich said:

Ze fuck ist this and will it actually do things 

I really don’t know rlly everything me else was making units and I thought it would be fun to make my own. Of course if we can actually do things is up to the owners however I would like this to be a thing. If it was to become a thing it would be RP only and a sub squad not a battalion. We would run like a squad with a weekly meeting a roster tryouts etc. just a fun thing for people to be apart of

Edited by ccmonty
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10 minutes ago, Nyon said:

No offense, but I think with the serious RP thing being enforced hard this might not be the best thing right now, role-playing on the forums and on ts is fine, but I'd advise against it in game.

I agree unless the owners say this is ok or the crack down on serious rp let’s up a bit mole squad will stay ts/forums only and its members will act as  a help force that helps when needed. We will still do training in CSR or SHB however so we can practice working as a squad if the accession arises. Further more a requirement will be you must have 10 hours+ in game 1 shoutout given to your battalion when you are in and no previous arrests/AOS/bans/blacklists and you must be above the rank of SGT. this is all theoretical of course 

Edited by ccmonty
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4 minutes ago, Nyon said:

I completely understand that, but as far as that working in game, you are talking about forming a squad of different battalions and doing a specific thing like engineers, or Medical. I do like the idea as long as it stays out of game.

and it shall

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